In the Spotlight: Lip Lift

Lip Lift was a forgotten procedure for many years as fillers and neuromodulators have dominated the market for lip rejuvenation.  However, this procedure has become in vogue again as some people look for other options. 

Why Are So Many People Turning to Lip Lifts?

Traditionally, a lip lift was the recommended treatment for the aging lip.  As we age, the skin thins, loses elasticity and actually elongates the skin of the upper lip over time - much like the earlobes.  A lip lift removes excess skin to shorten the upper lip and everts the lower lip, thus increasing the height of the red lip.  Volumization with fillers, fat grafting or such may still be needed for complete rejuvenation.  Lip lift will often times make the upper lip more receptive and responsive to fillers.

The younger patient that would most benefit from a lip lift may have a long upper lip and poor teeth show.  The procedure helps improve the ratio of skin to red lip and suspends tissues in way to improve natural teeth show.  The end result is also the appearance of a fuller upper lip.

For some people, there may be a particular look that fillers alone cannot achieve.  As we chase the desire for fuller lips, an over-injected upper lip can start to look heavy and unnatural.  A lip lift may be able to provide the height and “flip” desired. 

A lip lift may also help correct complications or poor results from fillers (typically, permanent fillers). Some unfortunate people may develop skin changes, persistent swelling, or even muscle damage from poorly placed injectables around the mouth.  A lip lift can be corrective as well as aesthetically enhancing in these people.    

Though not typically the main reason a lip lift is done, this procedure can also improve asymmetries in the upper lip and improve droopy corners of the mouth.



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Choose your surgeon carefully.

Ideal results require an in-depth understanding of lip anatomy.  There is a particular shapeliness to youthful lips with features such as a more peaked cupid’s bow and upturned corners.  There are certain proportions of the upper lip to lower lip and the white lip to red lip that should be respected for natural results.  The lip profile and position of the upper lip in relation to the lower lip should also be considered for optimal results.  Much like fillers, if performed by someone who does not have a detailed understanding of lip anatomy, a lip lift can have unnatural, “altered” results.  But unlike fillers, results of a lip lift cannot be reversed!


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